Roanoke Valley Master Naturalists 2018 Basic Course
February 21, 2018 @ 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
The preliminary Roanoke Valley Master Naturalists 2018 Basic Course Schedule has been announced. An updated schedule will be published when the topics and speakers are finalized, but the class dates should remain unchanged.
The course will meet on Wednesday Evenings from 6 – 9 pm, February 21 through May 19, 2018, at the Salem Public Library. The course will also include four Saturday field trips.
The Basic Course is part of the Virginia Master Naturalist certification process, which includes 40 hours of basic training, 8 hours of advanced training, and 40 hours of volunteer service.
Topics covered in the Basic Course include:
- Introduction to Virginia Master Naturalists
- American Naturalists
- Citizen Science
- Ecological Concepts
- Nature of Naming
- Land Use in Virginia
- Urban and Suburban Systems
- Virginia Biogeography
- Geology and Soil Science
- Entomology
- Ornithology
- Aquatic Ecology, Macroinvertebrates & Management
- Forest Ecology and Management
- Mammology
- Herpetology
- Ichthyology
- Dendrology
- Botany
- Wetland Ecology Management
- Interpretation and Teaching
- Risk and Working with Youth
- Field Trips include:
- Bird Walk
- Stream Monitoring
- Fish Monitoring
- Tree and Plant Identification
For more information, or to register please contact Tammi at or Ellen at