Site icon Virginia Master Naturalists – Roanoke Valley Chapter

Roanoke Audubon Christmas Bird Count December 17

How to Participate:

“There is a specific methodology to the CBC, and all participants must make arrangements to participate in advance with the circle compiler within an established circle, but anyone can participate.

Each count takes place in an established 15-mile wide diameter circle, and is organized by a count compiler. Count volunteers follow specified routes through a designated 15-mile (24-km) diameter circle, counting every bird they see or hear all day. It’s not just a species tally–all birds are counted all day, giving an indication of the total number of birds in the circle that day.

If you are a beginning birder, you will be able to join a group that includes at least one experienced birdwatcher.

If your home is within the boundaries of a CBC circle, then you can stay at home and report the birds that visit your feeder on count day as long as you have made prior arrangement with the count compiler.”

From the Roanoke Valley Bird Club website:


Roanoke – Saturday, December 17
Contact Bill Hunley ( / 774-2397 (H) / 467-3477 (C)

Fincastle – Sunday, December 18
Contact Eunice Hudgins ( / 389-4056)

Peaks of Otter – Date to be decided at a later date.
Contact Kent Davis ( / 344-8377)

Participate in as many counts as you wish. Contact the leaders above to be assigned a territory. If you are a new birder or have not done this before, you will be placed with experienced birders. There is very little walking on most of the territories – we ride the areas stopping often to look, listen and count the birds. It’s a fun day. Get to know your fellow birders and maybe discover a new territory or a new bird.

There will also be sign-up sheets at the November meeting.
Following the Fincastle count, we will meet at Woodpecker Ridge for a bowl of Barry’s soup and a tally of birds seen on the Roanoke and Fincastle counts.
Upcoming Field Trips Field Trips Chair, Linda Cory (540) 580- 5214

CBC 117 Locations: Roanoke

First Name William
Last Name Hunley
Abbrev VARO
Name Roanoke
Description center oakland blvd. & williamson rd.
Latitude 37.30
Longitude -79.94
Count Date 12/17/2016
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